ZOPO a popular Chinese brand is gearing up to establish a base in India. They will start selling the ZOPO range of mobiles in India with at affordable price tag. Currently the company is looking for Mobile distributors.

Zopomobileshop.com is online retailer for Italian market and English speaking market and the India price for ZOPO ZP900S will be 18,999/- with warranty of 1 year and replacement warranty of 3 months from date of purchase. Shenzhen Zopo Communications Limited has booked the domains in India on behalf of the client and is genuine. I have got an email from the company to confirm the same.

As per the latest info the company will be going public through ad campaign in India and at present are busy setting up base in India. Zopo India will start distribution via Gharpay.in for COD facility and online payment gateways of Flipkart,Infibeam and Rediff very soon.


Zopo leader zp900

 So the good news is that ZOPO mobiles will be easily available in India within few weeks, watch out for ads related to ZOPO product launch in India.

The Webdomains www.zopomobiles.com, www.zopomobiles.in, www.zopomobile.in, www.zopomobilereview.com, www.zopomobile.co.in are a part of Shenzhen Zopo Communication web strategy and a part of Zopo India Private Limited, the company have booked the domains,cause of cyber domain name squatters and other webmasters planning to divert web traffic for Zopo Keyword.

See also  Zopo ZP600 Libero 3D smartphone with qHD display for Rs. 12000 coming soon

Zopo Mobile India Online Purchase link www.zopomobile.in/onlineshop

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in