YU launched the much awaited YU Yunicorn handset in India. This MediaTek Helio P10 powered handset will be available exclusively on FlipKart for Rs. 12,999. Yunicorn is also running a new OS called AOS (Android On Steroids).

OS based on Android Lollipop, is closest to stock Android. Handset supports mono chrome mode, integrated search bar, quick music access and more plus no bloatware and also comes with around Yu 2.0. The Yunicorn is a good looking premium device – all metal (brushed aluminium back) with ultra thin bezel.

YU Yunicorn features and specifications

Inside the hood it houses the Helio P10 Mediatek 1.8Ghz octa core,  64 bit chipset and is future ready. There is 4GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Plus 128GB expendable. There is built in front finger print sensor that is amazingly fast, with chip level security.

YU Yunicorn price in India Rs. 12,999

Display screen is 5.5 inches supporting full HD resolution. A 13 MP camera is packed on the rear and 5MP camera on the front. YU Yunicorn supports DTS sound technology. Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, BT and FP sensor. A 4000 mAh battery powers up this smartphone.

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YU Yunicorn 5.5 inch FHD screen

YU Yunicorn Finger Print Sensor

YU Yunicorn price is Rs. 12,999. The price of Rs. 12,999 is for one month only, after that the price will be Rs. 13,499.

Will be available on FlipKart on 7th June, registration have begun. This handset looks exactly similar to the Meizu M3 Note – not only is the design even the hardware is same (almost).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in