XOLO Win Q900s at the time of its launch (in 2014) was priced at Rs. 9,999. As of now the same handset is available on Flipkart for Rs. 6,599 And on snapdeal for Rs. 5,473. This is a dual SIM handset running Windows Phone 8.1 out of the box.

The Q900s houses the qualcomm snapdragon 1.2GHz quad core processor (MSM8212) coupled with 400 MHz Adreno 302 GPU. As mentioned this dual SIM handset is running Windows Phone 8.1 with 1GB RAM and 8GB of internal storage. This smartphone also comes with micro SD card slot that can add up to 32GB external cards.

Q900s is light weight at just about 100 grams and it is 7.2mm thick. It sports a 4.7 inch IPS OGS screen with dragon trail glass protection and supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution (5 point multi touch).

xolo win q900s price drop

Win Q900s also comes packed with 2MP front facing fixed focus camera and a 8MP auto focus camera using PureCel sensor placed on the rear with LED flash support. Key features are 3G (42Mbps), 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. This handset gets power from a 1800 mAh battery.

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XOLO Win Q900s is currently available for Rs. 6,599 and on snapdeal for Rs. 5,473.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in