XOLO has launched the Q610s handset an upgraded Q510s for Rs. 7,499. The XOLO Q610s handset is compact and comes with a leather (artificial leather) finish back panel. It is powered by the usual MediaTek quad core processor and will hit the stores soon.

The XOLO Q610s is a dual SIM handset with 3G 21Mbps support. It is using the MTK6582M quad core processor from MediaTek clocked at 1.3GHz with Mali 400 MP2 GPU clocked at 416MHz. Q610s is 9.3mm thick and sports a 4.5 inch screen with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. Screen is IPS with 5 point multi touch support.

It runs android KitKat Android 4.4.2 out of the box with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB micro SD card support. This smartphone houses dual cameras. There is a VGA camera on the front with native video calling support and a 5MP on the rear with LED flash and 1080p video recording support. The rear camera however is fixed focus.

1.3GHz quad core powered XOLO Q610s running KitKat

There are 3 sensors accelerometer, light and proximity. Additional features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi (b/g/n), GPS and Bluetooth 4.0. The 1700 mAh battery that the Q610s houses gives an estimated talk time of up to 8 hours on 3G networks.

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XOLO Q610s will be made available soon for Rs. 7,499.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in