The XOLO One handset that is available in India for under Rs. 6,599 will get Lollipop update pretty soon. The specification on the XOLO website had already mentioned that the handset can be upgraded to Android 5.0 Lollipop.

XOLO has now confirmed that they will roll out the Lollipop update from 16th January 2015. It will be rolled out in a phased manner, in case you are using the XOLO One handset and do not get the update notification on or after 16th, wait for few days and try again.

The Android 5.0 (also called Lollipop) update on the XOLO One handset will happen over the air (FOTA). The handset is currently running KitKat over a 4.5 inch screen with FWVGA resolution. This dual SIM handset comes loaded with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and micro SD card support.

XOLO One lollipop update

XOLO One houses a 1.3GHz MediaTek MTK6582M quad core processor with Mali 400 MP2 GPU. Key features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, 5MP rear camera and VGA front camera.

The 1700 mAh battery that the handset gets power from gives about 8 hours of talk time on a single charge.

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If you have the XOLO one get ready for a Lollipop. XOLO One is now available for approx Rs. 6,000.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -