If you are reading this you already know it. Xiaomi Mi3 next sale began at 2PM today. And just like the last time this time too the stocks sold out. The good news is that Flipkart had 15,000 stock and bad news is it really didn’t really help.
To buy the Mi3 that is exclusively available on Flipkart one needs to register. There are way too many registrations (over 100,000) and limited stocks (15,000) for now. In case you miss this opportunity you can always try again the next time.
Remember if you can get the Mi3 in your cart you have already won the battle. Take your time and make the payments, would be better if you do it immediately.
Well if you have any tips on how one can grab the Mi3 do let us known and follow this page for more updates as it happens.
Update : Stocks sold out within seconds. I also tried ordering one but failed. I had the Mi3 in wishlist that still shows in stock but when I hit the buy button it does not add anything.