Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 3 in India and also announced that the Mi 5 will be launched in India, next month. The Mi 5 price has not yet been disclosed but looking at the hardware it will be in the premium category. For now everyone is looking at the Redmi Note 3 that starts from ₹9,999.

The Mi 5 was showcased at the launch event; I got to experience the device for few minutes. First impression – the design with dual curved edges on the back, something similar to as seen on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5. The next thing that one would immediately notice is the handset weight, it is extremely light weight at 129 grams with battery.

Xiaomi Mi 5 is dual SIM powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 1.8GHz quad core processor with Adreno 530 GPU. It sails on MIUI with 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM. Screen is 5.15 inches supporting 1080p resolution.

Xiaomi Mi 5 hands on

Xiaomi Mi 5 curvy design

A 16MP AF camera with 4 axis OIS is packed on the rear with flash support and front camera is a 4MP shooter. Key features are 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth, IR, USB Type C and finger print sensor.

See also  Xiaomi to launch their first handset on 8th July in India

Xiaomi Mi 5 SIM Tray

Mi 5 gets power from a 3000 mAh battery with qualcomm 3.0 fast charge support.

Xiaomi Mi 5 coming soon (next month) stay tuned.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in