Wickedleak has now dropped the price of Wammy Passion X to Rs. 18,500. The X was first launched for Rs. 22,500 and then they dropped the price to Rs. 19,900 and now to a even lower Rs. 18,500.

The Wammy Passion X is an octa core powered handset. You can check the review here. This handset comes with the aqua protect technology that makes its water proof to a certain extent. In the review we did the underwater test wherein the handset was submerged for almost 30 minutes.

There are very few octa cores available in the market, there is the Intex Octa core, the iBerry Nuclea N2 and recently  launched the Micromax Canvas Knight. There are few more Octa core handsets schedules for a launch this month. It is a tough competition (price wise).

Wammy passion x price dropped

Passion X sports a 5 inch screen with FHD resolution. It runs on Android 4.2 with 16GB storage, 2GB RAM and external card support. The hardware is MT6592 clocked at 1.7GHz with Mali 450 GPU. Other features are 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. A 13MP AF camera on rear and 5MP front camera. Battery is 2500 mAh capacity.

See also  Wammy Titan 3 the ultra slim quad core phablet for Rs. 16990

The Wammy Passion X is now available for Rs. 18,500.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in