Vivo launched the X7 and X7 Plus in the Chinese markets. The Vivo X7 and the Vivo X7 Plus will be available in China with price tag starting from RMB 2498 for the X7 version (approx Rs. 25K), X7 Plus price has not yet been disclosed.

Vivo X7 features and specifications

This handset is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 octa core chipset clocked at 1.8GHz with Adreno 510 GPU. It’s DUAL SIM sporting a 5.2 inch super AMOLED screen with 1920 x 1080p resolution and also using 2.5D curved glass.

Android Lollipop with FunTouch OS runs the show with 4GB on board RAM and 64GB storage. Primary camera is a 13MP shooter and the secondary camera on the front in fact comes with higher resolution – 16MP.

Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, Finger print sensor, BT 4.1, GPS and WiFi. Vivo X7 weight with 3000 mAh battery is 151 grams and handset is 7.24mm thick. Price in China is RMB 2498.

Vivo X7 and X7 Plus launched in China

Vivo X7 Plus features and specifications.

Vivo X7 Plus is also Snapdragon 652 powered sporting a bigger screen of 5.7 inches with 2.5D curved glass, super AMOLED and supporting 1080p resolution. There is 4GB RAM and optional 64GB / 128GB storage.

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Rear camera is 16MP using IMX298 sensor and front camera is 16MP. Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, finger print sensor and Bluetooth 4.1. A 4000 mAh battery powers up this handset.

Vivo X7 Plus will go on sale after 14th July 2016 in China.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -