Vivo launched the V9 handset in India for Rs. 22,990. This handset is SD 626 octa core powered and comes with a notch style 19:9, 6.3 inch display. Here is the unboxing of Vivo V9 and first impression.

Inside the box you will get the handset, user manual, silicon case, data cable (USB to micro USB), a good quality earphone, SIM ejector pin and travel charger 5V/2A. The SAR value mentioned on the box is 1.380 head and 0.406 body.

This handset is using plastic body, build and finishing looks pretty good, premium, curvy with metallic touch. Handset is light weight at 150 grams and is 7.8mm thick. It is running Funtouch OS based on Android 8.1.

Vivo V9 unboxing

The unique thing about the Vivo V9 is the 19:9 aspect ratio Notch style screen check video, this is 6.3 inch screen with FHD+ resolution. Screen quality is really good. V9 comes with finger print sensor and supports face unlock.

There is LED notification, OTG is supported – you need to enable OTG in settings. There are 3 slots 2x nano and a micro SD card. Vivo V9 comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM and can use 256GB micro SD card.

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Vivo V9 notch

There is 3260 mAh non-removable battery, fast charging is not supported. Rear camera is 16MP + 5MP and front camera is 24MP. Wait for the full review wherein I will cover the performance, heating, gaming, camera quality with sample and battery life.

Vivo V9 is priced at Rs. 22,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -