Vivo has dropped the price of Vivo V5 Plus the handset with dual cameras – on the front. V5 Plus was launched with a price tag of Rs. 27,980. The company then launched the V5 Plus limited edition for Rs. 25,990. And as of now you can buy the V5 Plus for Rs. 22,990.

Vivo V5 Plus now available for Rs. 22,990 and you can buy this online as well as offline. The V5 Plus is an excellent handset for selfie lovers, in fact it shoots really cool professional style selfie and that is what it is made for.

Check the Vivo V5 Plus review and see what the handset is capable of. This is Snapdragon 625 octa core powered and  features a 5.5 inch 2.5D curved screen with 1080p resolution. 4GB RAM, 64GB ROM and running Marshmallow.

vivo v5 plus price drop

The front camera is 20MP + 8MP (dual cameras) and the rear camera is a 16MP shooter. There is finger print sensor, 4G is supported and a 3160 mAh battery powers this smartphone.

The Vivo V5 Plus price was really high at the time of its launch, and now at Rs. 22,990 it is good but still a little on the higher side.

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Vivo V5 Plus for Rs. 22,990.