The first sale of the recently launched Vivo V11 Pro smartphone will begin at on 12 midnight. The MOP price of this product is Rs. 25,990 and the preordering is still open and makes sense to pre-order before the first sale begins for the following reasons mentioned below.

In case you haven’t seen the Vivo V11 Pro video then do check the same at the end of this article. If you are planning to buy the Vivo V11 Pro then better choose the pre-booking option, in fact pre-book now.

With Pre-Booking you get following offers and this is open until 11th September up to 23:59 hours.

  • Flat INR 2,000 cashback on HDFC bank Credit and Debit cards
  • Flat 5% cashback with Capital First
  • Flat INR 2,000 cashback if purchased from PayTM Mall
  • Additional upto INR 2,000 off on exchange
  • One Time Screen Replacement in case screen damage during 6 months
  • No Cost EMI (Upto 12 Months on Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Bajaj Finance cards)
  • Buyback Guarantee (Post 6 to 8 months of usage)
  • Benefits worth INR 4,050 from Reliance Jio
  • Complimentary liquid and physical damage insurance along with additional data for Vodafone-Idea customer
See also  Creative Sound Blaster E3 and E1 portable USB digital to analog converter


Buy Vivo V11 Pro online from Vivo Official E-store:

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -