Umi Mobiles will conduct the fans meet in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai very soon. Via the Facebook status updates, Umimobiles has confirmed this – will disclose the dates, venue, location and time this week.

This meet will be kind of an interaction between the users and the Umi Team. What’s more the users will get to try out the demo units, share their feedbacks and suggestions. Those attending the fans meet will get to see and feel the Umi X2, Umi X1s and the Umi S1 handsets.

The dates and the venue are not yet disclosed. I will tweet the details once I get the info, you can follow me on my Twitter id @gogiinc. If case you are interested in the fans meet up in the respective cities you can apply for the same via email – [email protected] (do confirm you location and contact details to get SMS confirmation / Phone call).  7000+ users have so far applied for the fans meet in Delhi.

The specifications and the price of UMI X2 are just too tempting and many users have pre-ordered the handset. There has been a delay and as per the UMI spokesperson UMI will start shipping within few days after the fans meet.

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The customers who have paid in full or part  and those who do not wish to wait any further can send an email for a refund with your pre-order details to [email protected].

UMI Fans Meet in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore

Also check out the UMi X2 full laboratory strength and quality test video.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -