There are thousands of apps available for the Google Android OS. But there is one app that you will find on the home screen of almost all android handsets, the battery indicator. Smartphone’s can drain away a lot of battery hence it is necessary to monitor it and preferably see the accurate status on the home screen.

Though the Android OS comes with a default battery icon but that is too small and does not show the battery level in detail. There are many battery indicator apps available that can help users know the exact battery status right on their mobile home screen.

Here is a list of 6 top free battery indicator widgets for your Android Phones.

Battery Solo Widget

free Battery Solo Widget for Android
free Battery Solo Widget for Android

This widget can be used to show simple battery level. It works with Android 1.6 and later.  The graphics is really simple, a circle with green light depicting the battery level along with numeric value within the circle. This widget looks perfect on the home screen.  Click the icon and you can see the battery temperature.

Download and Install Battery Solo Widget for free

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pNutsBattery Widget

Free pNutsBattery widget for Android
Free pNutsBattery widget for Android

This is yet another simple widget that can show the battery level. This widget shows up a small android robot on the home screen with numeric value on its body.  The robot changes colour to Orange when charging, to blue when 100% charged, to green when charge level is between 16% to 99% and to red when the battery level is below 15%.

Download and Install pNutsBattery Widget for free

Battery Wallpaper

battery wallpaper for Android
battery wallpaper for Android
battery wallpaper changes colour
battery wallpaper changes colour

This is an amazing piece of tool that turns your wallpaper into a battery indicator. This software works only on Android 2.1 and above. The live wallpaper changes colour based on the battery status.  It can easily be customized. This version is free but ad-supported, however the ads are shown only on the settings page and not on the home screen phew!.

Download and Install Battery Wallpaper

Battery LED Indicator

Free battery led indicator for Android
Free battery led indicator for Android

This app words only on Android 2.2 and above. Install it and just plug your phone and switch off the screen.  When the phone is plugged in and asleep a colour will be flashed depending on the  battery level. You can choose which colours to display. Not all android handsets may support this app.

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Download and Install Battery LED Indicator

Battery Doctor

Free battery doctor app for android
Free battery doctor app for android

This app helps extend battery life. Battery Doctor claims to improve the battery life of your phone by up to 30% to 50%. It also supports full cycle charge. This app not only improves battery performance but also comes with task killer and phone reset options.

The app can show battery temperature, health and even talktime.

Download and install Battery Doctor

Battery Notifier (Big Text)

Free Battery Notifier for Android
Free Battery Notifier for Android
Battery Notifier settings for Android
Battery Notifier settings for Android

This is a simple app and nothing fancy about it. It does what it is made to do. Numeric value that indicates the battery level is displayed in the status bar and users get alerts when the level is low. The app also alerts the users when the battery is fully charged.  The Text colours change according to the battery levels.

The colour changes  to Green when battery level is between 100 to 50, Blue when battery is between 49 to 30, Orange when between 29 to 15 and when the level is very low below 14 the text turns red.

Download and Install Battery Notifier for free

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -