Samsung today not only launched the Galaxy Note7 but also launched Gear Fit2 wearable fitness device in India. The Samsung Gear Fit2 is priced at Rs. 13,990. This fitness wearable sails on Tizen OS and it can be connected with any smartphone running Android 4.4 and above.

Samsung Gear Fit2 features and specifications

The Fit2 incorporates some of the features as seen on the first Gear Fit. This fitness tracker sports a 1.5 inch curved screen – it’s super AMOLED supporting 432 x 216 pixels resolution. As mentioned this device is running Tizen OS (compatible with other android smartphones).

Samsung Gear Fit2 is IP68 certified (water and dust resistant). It is powered by dual core processor clocked at 1GHz. There is 4GB ROM and 512MB RAM. This device makes use of Bluetooth 4.2 and packed with accelerometer, Barometer, GPS, Heart rate sensor and Gyro.

Samsung Gear Fit2 price in India Rs. 13,990

Fit2 houses a 200 mAh non-removable battery. Another unique thing about the Gear Fit2 is that it can automatically detect 15 different kinds of physical activities – running on treadmill, jogging, walking, yoga, squatting to name a few.

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Samsung Gear Fit2 price in India

This fitness device will hit the Indian stores by end of this month for a price tag of Rs. 13,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -