Spice mobiles will soon start selling selected Huawei Android smartphones in India. They have now tied up with Huawei and will start selling co-branded Huawei phones. To start with Spice will sell around 10 phones under its own name that will be available online and via Spice Hotspot.

Though this may look like a good move, but most of the phones that Spice will sell, will be older models. The reason being Huawei already have their presence in the retail market and they will want to take advantage of showcasing and selling all or most of the newly launched models.

We already know that Huawei model are kind of difficult to get in local market, with this move Huawei brand also gets an advantage. Spice has a good network and they can easily help promote Huawei models under the co-branded (Spice /Huawei ) brand.

Apart from selling the co-branded phones Spice will continue selling their own products. This is just a beginning, the collaboration between Spice and Huawei will expand further and they may jointly develop and manufacture smartphones.

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Spice Huawei partnership

Spice will initially launch Huawei Ascend Y100 a 3G android 2.3 smartphone with MSM7225A snapdragon processor clocked at 800 MHz with Adreno 200 GPU, for a price tag of Rs. 6,000. Other features of Huawei Ascend Y100 are 256MB RAM, 2.8 inch capacitive touchscreen, 3.2 MP camera, 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and 1050 mAh battery.

Spice will also be offering 3 months free 3G subscription for Airtel, Aircel and Docomo users in selected cities.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in