Sony has launched the Xperia Z3+ flagship model in India, it will be available in 5 different color options for Rs. 55,990. This handset houses the qualcomm snapdragon 810 octa core processor clocked at 2GHz.

Sony Xperia Z3+ is packed within an aluminum frame and sports a 5.2 inch Triluminous touch screen supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. It is powered by qualcomm snapdragon 810 64 bit octa core processor that makes use of 2 x quad core’s – 2GHz quad + 1.5GHz quad, coupled with Adreno 430 GPU.

Weight with battery is 144 grams and thickness is 6.9mm. The Xperia Z3+ is running Android Lollipop 5.0 out of the box with 3GB on-board RAM and 32GB of storage space. There is micro SD slot to add up to 128GB additional storage space.

The rear camera is of 20.7MP resolution, it’s auto focus with 4K recoding capabilities. Being a Sony brand it is using the Sony EXMOR R sensor and other features like steady-shot, image stabilizer and superior auto scene mode. The front camera is 5MP and it can shoot FHD videos.

Sony Xperia Z3+ launched in India

Additional features are 4G, 3G, 2G, NFC, GPS with GLONASS, Wi-Fi, ANT+, Clear Audio+ / Bass, xLoud experience, FM radio and Bluetooth. The 2930 mAh battery as per the company gives up to 17 hours of talk time on a full charge.

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Water proof and dust tight Sony Xperia Z3+ is now available in India for Rs. 55,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -