Sony India today launched the Sony Xperia XA Ultra smartphone in Indian markets with a price tag of Rs. 29,990. This is a Helio P10 octa core processor running Marshmallow with 3GB RAM. This smartphone will be available in Gold, Black and White color options from Sony / Major retail stores in India.

Sony Xperia XA Ultra comes with a big screen of 6 inches with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. Like the other Sony premium smartphones this one is also using BRAVIA Engine 2 display technology. Inside the hood there is MediaTek Helio P10 octa core processor @ 2GHz with Mali T860 MP2 GPU.

This dual SIM handset is packed with 3GB RAM, 16GB ROM and 200GB micro SD support. On the back there is a 21.5MP AF Sony camera with Exmos RS sensor and on the front there is a 16MP camera with front flash. The front camera comes with optical image stabilization.

Sony Xperia XA Ultra price in India

Other features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, NFC, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth 4.1. XA Ultra weight is 190 grams with 2700 mAh battery. As per the company the 2700 mAh non-removable battery will give up to 2 days battery life.

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Sony Xperia XA Ultra price in India

This handset will be available in India for Rs. 29,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -