Sony has launched the Xperia E4g a dual SIM quad core powered handset with 4G support in India for Rs. 13,490. The handset is listed on official website with best buy price of Rs. 13,290. Offline stores are offering it for Rs. 12,999.

The Sony Xperia E4g houses the 1.5GHz MediaTek MT6732 quad core processor it’s cortex A53 64-bit coupled with Mali T760 GPU. This chipset supports 4G. E4g sports a 4.7 inch screen (scratch resistant) with qHD – 960 x 540 pixels resolution. It is running Android KitKat 4.4.4 with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and micro SD card support of up to 32GB.

A 5MP auto focus camera comes packed on the rear with LED flash and a 2MP camera (fixed focus) on the front. Rear camera can record full HD 1080p videos. Key features are Sony 3D sound technology, GPS with A-GPS support, 4G, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, xLoud and FM radio.

Sony Xperia E4g dual SIM quad core powered 4G handset launched

There is 2300 mAh battery that as per the company gives about 13 hours of talk time on a single charge. You can watch videos for up to 6 hours on a full charge.

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Sony Xperia E4g dual is now available for under Rs. 13,290.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -