Smart Namo will soon launch a Smart Watch. They have already posted an image on their Facebook page. Smart Namo brand created a lot of Buzz by launching smartphones dedicated to Shri Narendra Modi.

Many of the Smart Namo handsets belonging to the Saffron series are already up for pre-orders on for Rs. 999 and expected release date is the 2nd week of October. Incidentally it’s the second week and no words yet, instead their Facebook page shows up a Smart Namo Smart Watch and the excitement level rises again.

Many of the users have wrongly interpreted the text along with the Smart Watch images or probably Smart Namo team themselves made the mistake earlier. In fact there is still a lot of confusion. Many think that the Smart Namo Smart Watch will come free with the high end Smartphones; in fact it’s the other way round.

SmartNamo Smart Watch

They are offering the Smart Watch with a free 3.5 inch smart phone. In other words you buy the Smart Watch and you get a free handset with it. Those expecting this free Smart Namo Smart watch with high end phone like Smart Namo Saffron One, Smart Namo Saffron Two should forget about it.

See also  LG G Watch Smartwatch coming soon this July

My next post will answer all you queries.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -