Samsung has launched a 13.3 inch and a 14 inch series 5 ultrabook in India. The series 5 ultrabooks come powered by Intel Core i5 processor.  The Samsung ultrabook will come for a price between Rs. 46,000 to Rs. 55,000.

The 13 inch Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook weighs just 1.42 kg where as the 14 inch model weighs 1.84 kg. The slim laptop body is made up of aluminium and carbon fiber and comes loaded with powerful features.

The 13 inch Samsung Ultrabook model comes with 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, 16 GB SSD and the 14 inch model comes with 2 GB extra RAM (6 GB), huge 1 TB HDD and 16 GB SSD drive. Both laptops come powered by Intel Core i5 2467M CPU. As far as the screen resolution is concerned it is the same on both the ultrabooks which is 1355 by 768 pixels.

The 14 inch laptop comes with additional Radeon HD7550 graphics chip whereas the 13 inch model uses the on board integrated graphics chip. No doubt the 14 inch ultrabook is more powerful especially when it comes to gaming.

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Samsung Series 5 ultrabook features and price in India
Samsung Series 5 ultrabook

SSD memory are costlier but are much faster and another advantage is that they consumers less energy. Most Ultrabooks come loaded only with SSD memory storage without a traditional HDD. But Samsung Series 5 ultrabook uses both traditional hard drive along with SSD storage. The SSD’s can also be upgraded to 128 GB or 256 GB, but that will increase the cost further.

These ultrabooks boots much faster and have got excellent battery life. Samsung ultrabooks are all about lightweight, better battery performance, huge storage and portability. The Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook 13 inch model is priced at Rs. 48,900 and the Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook 14 inch model comes for Rs. 54,300.

Source: TOI

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -