In a bid to retain its Note series customers, Samsung Mobiles in South Korea is offering 50% discount for Galaxy Note 7 customers who had bought the Note 7 and have or will opt for Samsung Galaxy S7 or the S7 Edge instead.

As per the program South Korean Note 7 customers will need to exchange the Note 7 that is currently discontinued, with S7 or S7 Edge. Though who have already done that will also get the benefit.

This Samsung Galaxy Upgrade program will entitle such customers to buy the next Galaxy Smartphone at 50% discount. On their official Korean site the company has mentioned the models i.e. Galaxy S8 or the Galaxy Note 8 – this means that Samsung will most likely continue with Note series.

As per the program Note 7 customers can opt for Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge with 24 month contract – they will need to pay for just 12 months and then exchange the same with Note 8 or the Galaxy S8, that will be launched next year. Even if the customer is not interested in the S8 or Note 8 they still pay for 12 months.

See also  Honor to launch a new smartphone on 24th July

samsung korea s7 offer

It is highly unlikely that Samsung will pass such offer in the Indian markets as the Note 7 really never took off in India.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -