Samsung today, has launched the Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and 10.5 inch tablet in India. These tablets will hit the stores soon (within few days) for Rs. 37,800 (8.4 inch screen) and Rs. 44,800 (10.5 inch screen). The Tab S will be powered by Exynos 5 octa core processor with 3G support and the 4G LTE variant will cost over 50K.

There is not much of a difference between the Tab S 10.5 and the Tab S 8.4. The common features are 1.9GHz + 1.3GHz octa core Exynos processor running Android 4.4 with 3GB RAM and 16 GB storage (32GB version is also available with a higher price tag). An 8MP AF is on the rear and 2.1 on the front.

The Tab S 8.4 comes with 4900 mAh battery and tab S 10.5 comes with 7,900 mAh batteries. This Samsung tab is just 6.6mm thick that makes it even slimmer than the iPads. The screen is super AMOLED that gives almost the same experience as on a smartphone. Both the tabs supports screen resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels.

There is 3G, Wi-Fi, 2G, GPS with GLONASS and Bluetooth. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and the S 10.5 will be made available in local stores and online by mid July for a price tag of Rs. 37,800 and Rs. 44,800 respectively.

See also  MSI Enjoy Tablet PC for just Rs. 13,999 launched in India

samsung galaxy tab s with 8.4 and 10.5 inch screen launched in India for under Rs. 45K

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -