As you all know Samsung had launched the Galaxy Tab S in India. It comes in two variants with 8.4 inch screen and with a 10.5 inch screen. The tab is pretty slim with a 6.6mm thickness and runs KitKat out of the box over a Super AMOLED screen.

The first thing that will come to your attention immediately is the slim design. And yes it is following the same design pattern as seen on the Galaxy S5 smartphone. Usually the tablet screens are not that attractive when compared with a smartphone, but on the Galaxy Tab S the quality is as good as seen on a smartphone – thanks to the Super AMOLED display with WQXGA resolution (2560 x 1600 pixels).

As far as the specifications are concerned they are the same with minor changes as per the display size. Both these Galaxy Tab S come powered by Exynos 5 octa core processor running KitKat with 3GB RAM, optional 8/16GB storage and 128GB micro SD card support.

The screen size is different 8.4 versus the 10.5 inch but the resolution is the same. There is single SIM slot with LTE support.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and S 10.5

Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8MP camera

Samsung Galaxy Tab S

Key features are 4G, 3G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. There is 8MP rear AF camera with LED flash and 2.1MP front camera. 8.4 inch tab comes packed with 4900 mAh battery and 10.5 inch tab with 7,900 mAh battery. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 LTE is priced at Rs. 37,800 (Pre-book) and Galaxy Tab S 10.5 can be pre-booked for Rs. 44,800 (With book cover free – special prebooking offer).

Galaxy Tab S full review coming soon, stay tuned.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -