Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab A series and Tab 3V in Russia and Malaysia. There are 4 tablets in the A Series namely Tab A 8, A 8 LTE, A 9.7 and A 9.7 LTE. The A series tablets start from RUB 17,000 approx Rs. 18K and the 3V is priced at approx Rs. 9K.

The Galaxy Tab A series (4:3 screen ratio) are powered by 1.2GHz qualcomm snapdragon 410 quad core processor running Android Lollipop with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. These tablets also come packed with a 5MP camera on the rear and a 2MP camera on the front.

The Tab A 8 sports an 8 inch screen with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and gets power from a 4200 mAh battery. The Tab A 8 LTE as the name suggest supports 4G, sports a 8 inch screen with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and houses a 4200 mAh battery.

Tab A 9.7 comes with a 9.7 inch screen supporting 1024 x 768 pixels resolution with higher battery capacity of 6000 mAh. The Tab A 9.7 LTE variant supports 4G LTE.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A series and Tab 3V

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3V is the cheapest of this lot sporting a 7 inch screen with 1024 x 600 pixels resolution. It comes with 1GB RAM, 8GB storage and 32GB micro SD card support. There is 2MP rear camera and a front VGA camera. This tablet is powered by Spreadtrum quad core chipset clocked at 1.3GHz and gets power from 3600 mAh battery.

See also  Lenovo A10-70, A8-50, A7-30 and A7-50 A-Series tablets announced

No word about when these tablets will be launched in India.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -