Samsung launched the Galaxy S8 and S8+ few days back in India, and I am here with the unboxing video and first impression. The S8 price starts from Rs. 57K and the S8+ is priced at around Rs. 64K.

I got the Samsung Galaxy S8+ for the review, just received it today. I have attached the unboxing video you can watch that to get an idea about the content you will get inside the box. So inside there was the gorgeous S8+.

Also included in box SIM tray ejector Pin, Quick start guide in Hindi and English, warranty card, SAR information, USB to USB Type C adapter, USB Type C to Micro USB adapter, AKG premium earphone, earphone plug caps, charging adapter 9V / 1.67A and USB Type C cable.

Samsung Galaxy S8+ unboxing

The handset looks awesome, unique and the face unlock is impressive. There are a lot of unique things on the Samsung Galaxy S8+ that I will cover in the full review, until then enjoy the unboxing video.

Pre-Orders have begun and shipping will commence in first week of May 2017. You can buy this from Flipkart.

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By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -