The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ that was announced last week has been officially launched in India for ₹57,900. This handset is using the 14nm Exynos 7420 octa core chipset running Lollipop over a 5.7 inch Quad HD screen.

Inside the hood the S6 Edge+ is using the well known Exynos octa core (1.5GHz 64 bit quad core + 2.1GHz 64 bit quad core) chipset clocked at 2.1GHz. Android Lollipop 5.1.1 runs the show with 4GB RAM (DDR4) and 32GB of internal storage.

S6 Edge+ like the S6 Edge is using a super AMOLED curved screen (dual edges) but unlike the S6 Edge that comes with a 5.1 inch screen, the Edge + sports a 5.7 inch screen. This is with Quad HD resolution i.e. 2560 x 1440 pixels.

Weight with battery is 153 grams and thickness is 6.9mm. There is 1.9 aperture camera packed on the rear with a 16 megapixel resolution and a 5MP on the front also with a 1.9 aperture. Rear camera is capable of shooting 4K videos.

samsung galaxy S6 edge+ launched in India for ₹57,900

Additional features are finger print scanner and heart rate sensor. Key features are 4G, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This handset houses a 3000 mAh battery with fast charging capabilities even with wireless charging.

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The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ will be available with 32GB storage for ₹57,900 from 28th August 2015.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -