As expected, Samsung did launch the Samsung Galaxy S4 today, in India, for a premium price of Rs. 41,500. The handset will hit the stores tomorrow and is already listed on the Flipkart website as forthcoming item (release date 27th April 2013).

The Galaxy S4 handset will be available in as many as 50 countries round the globe by April end. The good news is that the Exynos version (Octa core) has been launched in India. The iPhone 5 is priced at Rs. 45,500 and price wise the Galaxy S4 seems a cheaper option with the HTC one @ 42K.

The low cost brands especially the Micromax with their hot selling products like Micromax A110 and the Micromax A116 have attracted many users and that has forced Samsung to re-work its strategy in India. In fact they are already working on it and are offering 15% cash back, 0% EMI etc on some Galaxy handsets / tablets. This strategy did seem to work, especially with the Samsung Galaxy Grand model.

The Galaxy S4 is powered by 1.6 GHz Quad + 1.2GHz Quad processor coupled with PowerVR SGX GPU. The 5 inch super AMOLED screen supports full HD resolution (1920x1080p) with 16M colours. There is 13MP primary camera and a 2MP secondary camera. Full HD recording and playback is supported.

See also  Micromax finally launches the Micromax A115 canvas 3D handset for Rs. 9999

Samsung Galaxy S4 launched in India

The handset is 7.9mm thick and weight is 130 grams. The RAM is 2GB with 16GB storage and running the latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean OS. Other features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 4, NFC, micro USB and 3.5mm jack. The battery is of 2600 mAh capacity. The 4G version will also be available.

Rs. 41,500 (Via Flipkart).

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -