The Samsung Galaxy S4 is all set to launch on 26th April in India. The handset is expected to be priced at around Rs. 41,0 00. Consumers can pre-book the handset on 26th – it will take few days for the handsets to reach the stores.

The Indian version of the Galaxy S4 will sport a 5 inch display with full HD resolution. Add to it the screen will be Super AMOLED with resolution 1920×1080 pixels (Full HD) ~ 441ppi. The handset will run on the Android 4.2.2 OS. There will be two versions one with 1.9GHz quad core processor and the other with 1.6GHz Octa core processor (priced accordingly).

The Samsung Galaxy S4 will support the 4G network. S4 comes with 2GB RAM and optional 16/32/64 GB internal storage space. The handset weighs about 130 grams and is super slim with a 7.9mm thickness.

A 13MP camera is placed on the rear side with Zero shutter lag and LED flash. Another camera of 2MP is placed on the front side. Full HD video recording @ 30 fps is supported. Other features are 4G, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi (a/b/g/n/ac), Bluetooth 4.0, IR LED, MHL 2.0, NFC, GPS with GLONASS, micro SD slot (64GB), micro USB and 3.5mm jack.

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Samsung Galaxy S4 India

There is Accelerometer, Gyro, Barometer, Gesture, Proximity, magnetic, light and Temperature & humidity sensors. A 2600 mAh battery powers up the handset that should give a very good usage time on a full charge.

Stay tuned for more on April 26.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -