Samsung launched the S20 series handsets in India and here is the Samsung Galaxy S20+ unboxing and review. S20+ is unique, packed with premium features, can shoot 8K videos, 30x zoom, has 120Hhz Dynamic AMOLED display and more.

Samsung Galaxy S20 series price 

Samsung Galaxy S20 – Rs. 66,999

Samsung Galaxy S20+ – Rs. 73,999

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra – Rs. 92,999

You can buy here –

Samsung Galaxy S20+ Specs 

6.7″ Dynamic AMOLED, WQHD+ with 120Hz refresh rate

This one comes with best camera ever on a smartphone. Mind boggling specs making it the ultimate flagship. 

No doubt it is a Pro grade camera do check the samples specially the low light shots, impressive even in wide angle mode.

samsung galaxy s20 plus unboxing

This is first handset to feature 8K video recording. Plus the 30x Hybrid + super resolution zoom and the single take feature for those who share their content a lot it is a quick option to make shareable content from different, with auto effects that are applied. 

This is samsung’s first smartphone to feature a 120Hz display (Galaxy S20+). There is 4500 mAh battery and 25W fast charger is included in the box. Other features are 8GB RAM, 128GB ROM, Exynos 990 octa core processor and New Quick share: Share photos and videos easily across ecosystem and with upto 5 neighboring devices.

See also  Received YouTube Silver Play Button!

Samsung Galaxy s20+ review coming soon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -