Samsung Mobiles had already launched the Galaxy J5 and the Galaxy J7, J-Series smartphone in China in June 2015. The J7 was priced at RMB 1798 (approx ₹ 18,500) and the J5 at RMB 1398 (approx ₹ 14,500). As per unconfirmed sources Samsung is planning to get the J5 and J7 in India, this is still a rumor and there is no official word, yet.

Samsung Galaxy J5 houses a 64 bit qualcomm snapdragon 410 quad core processor with Adreno 306 GPU. It is running Lollipop out of the box over a 5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.  J5 is loaded with 1.5GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage plus micro SD support of up to 128GB.

This Selfie centric handset supports 4G, comes with 13MP rear AF camera with f/1.9 aperture and 5MP camera on the front. Both rear camera and front cameras come with LED flash support. Other features are 4G, 3G, NFC, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. J5 gets power from a 2600 mAh battery.

Samsung Galaxy J5 and J7

Samsung Galaxy J7 is powered by 64 bit octa core processor (Snapdragon 615), sports a 5.5 inch screen with HD (720p) resolution and gets power from a 3000 mAh battery. Rest of the specifications are similar to as seen on the J5.

See also  Samsung Galaxy Beam set to debut in India this April

We are waiting for more info on the J5 and J7, stay tuned.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -