Samsung today launched the Galaxy J2 2016 (new addition in J series) and the J Max handset in the Indian markets for Rs. 9,750 and Rs. 13,400 respectively. J2 is a smartphone sporting a 5 inch screen and the J Max is a tablet sporting a 7 inch screen with 4G support.

Samsung Galaxy J2 2016 features and specifications

This handset is using Spreadtrum SC8830 chipset its quad core clocked at 1.5GHz with Mali 400 GPU. Android Marshmallow 6.0 runs the show with 1.5GB  on board RAM and 8GB of internal storage. This is a dual SIM handset that also comes with a microSD card slot (32GB max).

Samsung Galaxy J2 2016 sports a 5 inch super AMOLED screen supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. On the back there is an 8MP AF camera with LED flash and on the front there is a 5MP camera.

Samsung Galaxy J2 2016 launched for Rs. 9,750

Other features are a unique smart glow notification LED light on the back, 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth 4.1, FM radio and WiFi. A 2600 mAh battery powers up this handset.

J2 is also using Turbo Speed technology that enhances the performance by up to 40% when compared with devices with double the RAM. Samsung has actually optimized applications and in active apps are automatically closed to free up RAM.

See also  Sony Xperia T2 Ultra dual SIM handset for Rs. 26K

Samsung Galaxy J2 2016 price in India is Rs. 9,750.

It will be available in Black, Silver and Gold color options. J2 2016 will go on sale from 14th July.

Samsung Galaxy J Max features and specifications

This is a 7 inch tablet with a TFT display supporting 1280 x 800 pixels resolution. It is powered by quad core processor clocked at 1.5GHz running Lollipop Android 5.1 with 1.5GB RAM, 16GB ROM and 200GB micro SD support.

Samsung Galaxy J Max launched for Rs. 13,400

This tablet also comes with dual SIM slot, an 8MP camera on the rear (AF) with flash and 2MP FF on the front. Additional features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, WiFi, FM radio and Bluetooth 4.0. The J Max tablet gets power from a 4000 mAh battery.

Samsung Galaxy J Max price in India is Rs. 13,400 available in Gold and Black colour options.

J Max tablet will be available from July end.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -