The Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 has been officially launched in India. The smartphone is an upgraded version of the popular Samsung Galaxy Grand and will be available in Jan 2014. The pricing details have not yet been revealed but is expected to be priced slightly higher than the Grand model but well under Rs. 25,000.

The Samsung Galaxy Grand was a huge success. Taking a step further Samsung has upgraded the Grand and have called it the Grand 2. It looks almost similar to the Galaxy Note 3. Recently Samsung had also launched the Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2.

The Galaxy Grand 2 comes with better hardware as compared to its predecessor the Galaxy Grand. This new handset comes with bigger screen of 5.25 inches supporting 1280×720 pixels resolution. It is better than the Grand that came with 5 inch screen supporting 800×480 pixels resolution.

Grand 2 is powered by 1.2GHz quad core that runs on Android 4.3 with 1.5GB RAM and 8Gigs of internal storage. 64GB micro SD card is also supported. The handset houses an 8MP camera on the rear with LED flash. It can record videos in 1080p resolution. The front camera is of 2MP (1.9MP) resolution.

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Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 launched in India

Key features are 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS. This dual SIM handset comes with 2600 mAh battery with talk time of up to 17 hours. The Grand (when released) was priced at Rs. 21K but is now available for Rs. 17,000. If you compare both these handsets you will agree that the Grand 2 is more powerful. Estimated price could be around 23,500.

By Rajeev Rana

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