Samsung has launched the Samsung Galaxy Core Advance handset in Korea. The handset was announced in 2013 and now it is available in Korea for approx Rs. 23K. The core advance is an upgraded version of the Samsung Galaxy Core that is currently selling for approx Rs. 13K.

This single SIM Core Advance also comes powered by 1.2GHz dual core processor. It runs on Android Jelly Bean 4.2 with 1GB RAM and 8GB internal storage. Micro SD card of up to 64GB is also supported. There are dual cameras – a front VGA and a rear 5MP AF with LED flash.

Samsung Galaxy Core Advance is 9.7mm thick and weigh is 145 grams. The TFT multi touch screen is of 4.7 inches with 800×480 pixels resolution. Other features are 3G (14.4mbps), 2G (GPRS, EDGE), Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS with GLONASS/A-GPS. NFC is also included.

Samsung Galaxy Core Advance launched

The Li-ion battery is of 2000 mAh capacity. This handset comes with enhanced accessibility features for the visually impaired and disabled. There is optical scan that can read the text in an image after scanning it, instant voice recorder for quick voice notes and advance light sensing technology that can sense the brightness and light directing using the handset camera.

See also  Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro launched in India for Rs. 20900

We can expect the Galaxy Core Advance within few months, the price in India however is not known.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -