Samsung Electronics has announced two new smartphones in the Galaxy series, the Galaxy A3 and the Galaxy A5. These handsets are ultra slim and comes packed within a full metal uni-body design. The pricing details are not yet revealed, these handsets will be made available in November 2014 in select markets.

The Samsung Galaxy A3 weighs just about 111 grams and is 6.9mm thick. A3 runs KitKat over a 4.5 inch Super AMOLED screen with qHD resolution. It is powered by a 1.2GHz quad core processor. There is 1GB RAM, 16GB storage and micro SD slot that supports up to 64GB external cards.

Galaxy A3 also comes with an 8MP rear AF camera with flash and a front 5MP for better selfies. Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, NFC, GPS, Ultra power saving mode and Bluetooth. A3 houses a 1900 mAh battery.

The Galaxy A5 is even slimmer with a 6.7mm thickness. It weighs about 123 grams and runs KitKat out of the box. A5 is powered by quad core processor clocked at 1.2GHz and is packed with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage and 64GB external card support.

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Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5 ultra slim smartphones announced

The A5 comes with a 5 inch super AMOLED screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. There is 13MP rear camera (AF) with Led flash support and a 5MP on the front. Key features are 4G, 3G, 2G, NFC, Bluetooth, Ultra power saving mode and GPS. This handset comes with a 2300 mAh battery.

Tip: Devesh Chopda.

By Rajeev Rana

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