Samsung today at an event in Mumbai launched 4 new galaxy series smartphones. The Samsung Galaxy A3 and the A5 comes with a metal body and are priced at Rs. 20,500 and Rs. 25,500 respectively. The Galaxy E5 is priced at Rs. 19,300 and the E7 for Rs. 23,000.

All of these dual SIM handsets are powered by qualcomm snapdragon 410 quad core processor (64 bit – cortex A53) clocked at 1.2GHz with Adreno 306 GPU. The Galaxy A3, A5, E5 and E7 also comes with Super AMOLED screen.

The Galaxy A3 runs KitKat 4.4.4 over a 4.5 inch screen with qHD resolution. It is loaded with 1.5GB RAM, 16GB storage and 64GB external card support. There is 8MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. Key features are 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, NFC (in LTE mode), Bluetooth and GPS. Weight is 110 grams and it is 6.9 mm thick. The A3 gets power from a 1900 mAh battery and is priced at Rs. 20,500.

Samsung Galaxy A5 also comes with the same hardware as on the A3 with some changes, it supports 4G. Smartphone is 6.7mm thick, weighs about 123 grams and sports a 5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution. There is 2GB RAM, 16GB storage and 64GB external card support. Also included is a 13MP rear camera with flash and 5MP front camera. Handset supports 4G and gets power from a 2300 mAh battery. The Galaxy A5 is priced at Rs. 25,500.

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Samsung Galaxy A3,A5, E5 and E7 launch event in Mumbai

Samsung Galaxy A3 screen

Samsung Galaxy A3 metal body

Samsung Galaxy E5 looks different, got that typical Samsung look it is 7.3mm thick and weighs about 125 grams. It sports a 5 inch screen with HD resolution. It comes packed with 1.5GB RAM, 16GB storage and 64GB micro SD card support. There is 8MP rear camera and 5MP front camera. The handset supports 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi. Bluetooth and GPS. E5 comes with 2400 mAh Li-ion battery and priced at Rs. 19,300.

Samsung Galaxy E5 handset

The Samsung Galaxy E7 is with a 5.5 inch screen with HD resolution. It comes with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage and 64GB card support. There is 13MP camera on the rear and a 5MP on the front. Key features are 3G, 2G, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS. E7 is powered by a 2950 mAh battery and comes for Rs. 23,000.

Samsung Galaxy E7 handset

The E5 and E7 will hit the stores from 20th January 2015 and the A3, A5 will be made available by next week.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -