OPPO has recently announced the launch of its latest flip phone, the Find N2 Flip, which features a smaller and more advanced hinge design, known as the New Generation Flexion Hinge. This breakthrough in hinge engineering has allowed OPPO to overcome the limitations of traditional flip phone designs, including small cover screens and lower-capacity batteries that charge more slowly.

The Find N2 Flip is the result of years of research and development by OPPO, which has been experimenting with different hinge designs since early 2018. The company’s commitment to pioneering different form factors is exemplified by the OPPO X 2021, a rollable smartphone that made headlines around the world in 2020.

The New Generation Flexion Hinge is a cleaner, more stable solution that features fewer parts than previous hinge designs. It boasts a flexible stainless-steel element that is precision etched and injected with a soft, pliable material. Aeronautical high-strength steel is used at the key bearing position to ensure the hinge delivers high reliability with a tensile and yield strength that is higher by 15% and 25%, respectively, when compared to traditional hinge design. Meanwhile, the aircraft-grade carbon-fibre reinforced polymer guarantees strength while being lightweight.

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The miniaturized hinge allows OPPO to fit a large 3.26-inch cover screen on the front of the phone, which accounts for 48.5% of the top half of the device. This larger screen displays more content, including important settings and widgets, notifications, a larger preview screen for photography, and even interactive e-pets. The Find N2 Flip also features a high-capacity, fast-charging battery with a capacity of 4300mAh, which is an upgrade from the 3500-3700mAh seen in most flip phones.

The Find N2 Flip has been tested up to 4,00,000 folds by TÜV Rheinland, which is equivalent to 10 years of use if you open and close the device 100 times a day. It even works perfectly after being folded and unfolded 1,00,000 times at both -20ºC and 50ºC. The new-generation Flexion Hinge prevents dust and airborne particles from collecting along the crease line, resulting in the shallowest crease of any folding phone that makes it virtually invisible.

In summary, the Find N2 Flip is a breakthrough for the flip phone category, thanks to its smaller, more advanced hinge design. This hinge allows for a larger cover screen, higher-capacity battery, and faster charging, without sacrificing durability. The Find N2 Flip sets a new standard for flip phones and demonstrates OPPO’s commitment to innovation and pushing the boundaries of smartphone design.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in