Xiaomi had announced the Redmi Note in India and it will be available on 2nd December on Flipkart. You need to register for the sales, the registration process will start from 6PM today. And today was the last flash sales for the Redmi 1S.

Xiaomi Redmi Note comes in two variants with 3G (dual SIM)  and with 4G (single SIM) support. The Note 3G is priced at Rs. 8,999 and Note 4G for Rs. 9,999. For the 2nd December sales users will be able to buy only the 3G version. Redmi Note 4 will be available with few weeks.

Redmi Note 3G that will go on sale on 2nd December will be powered by 1.7GHz octa core processor with Mali 450 MP GPU. This is a dual SIM handset with 3G support. The touch screen is 5.5 inches (IPS) with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.

The Note 3G comes with 2G RAM, 8GB storage and also comes with a micro SD card slot. A 13MP auto focus camera is placed on the rear with flash support and a 5MP camera on the front. 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are supported.

See also  Intex Aqua V 3G and 3G+ using single core Spreadtrum chipset launched

Redmi Note 3G registrations

Redmi Note 3G houses a 3100 mAh removable battery. Register for the first Redmi Note, registrations starts today from 6PM onwards.

Xiaomi Mi power bank 5000 mAh 9.9mm thick

Xiaomi will also be launching a 5000 mAh power bank that will be 9.9mm thick for $8.

Xiaomi Mi TV 2 Coming Soon to India

There is also news about Mi TV2 coming soon in India.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in