Xiaomi launched another variant of Redmi Note 3, called the Pro, this one is powered by qualcomm snapdragon 650 hexa core processor with 4G LTE support. The Xiaomi Note 3 snapdragon variant will be using a 4050 mAh battery, it is priced at RMB 999 (approx ₹10K).

The Xiaomi Mi Generation that just revealed the Redmi Note 3 might actually be using this new qualcomm variant in India, instead of the MediaTek Helio X10 version, this also confirms that the Xiaomi issue with Ericsson has still not resolved.

This new Redmi Note 3 Pro is powered by 1.8GHz Hexa Core (Qualcomm Snapdragon 650) chipset – 64 Bit coupled with Adreno 510 GPU. It supports VoLTE. Screen (using Sunlight display technology) is of size 5.5 inches supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution. This handset also comes with optional 2GB RAM/16GB storage and 3GB RAM/32GB storage.

Redmi Note 3 Pro Snapdragon variant launched in China

A 16MP camera is packed on the rear (if you may recall there is a 13MP camera on the MediaTek variant) with LED flash support and front facing camera is a 5MP shooter.

Redmi Note 3 pro Snapdragon variant design

Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, WiFi, finger print scanner on the back (touch ID based), GPS and Bluetooth. This smartphone houses a 4050 mAh battery. Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (Snapdragon variant) with 16GB ROM and 2GB RAM is price at RMB 999, the 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM price has not yet been revealed.

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Most likely this is the handset, Mi India is talking about, that will be launched soon.

Tip: Amey.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in