Xiaomi today launched the Redmi 4A in India. The company had already launched this handset in Chinese market and now it will be available in India. This is a Snapdragon 425 quad core (64 bit) powered handset, price in India is Rs. 5,999.

Xiaomi Redmi 4A weight is 131 grams and it comes loaded with 16GB ROM and 2GB RAM. This is a dual SIM handset using Hybrid SIM slot and running Marshmallow out of the box. 4A sports a 5 inch screen with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution.

Inside the hood there is the well known Snapdragon 425 quad core chipset @ 1.4GHz with Adreno 308 GPU. With this handset you can shoot still images in 13MP resolution using rear camera and in 5MP resolution using the front camera. FHD video recording is supported.

redmi 4A launched in India

Other features are 4G LTE, VoLTE, 3G, 2G, GPS, IR, MIUI 8, dual app support and WiFi. Redmi 4A gets power from a 3120 mAh battery. There is no finger print sensor on this handset.

Get ready for Redmi 4A for Rs. 5,999  in grey, gold and rose gold colour options.

See also  New Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus with 3GB RAM for Rs. 8499

23rd March 12 noon on mi.com and Amazon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in