Qualcomm has announced the Qualcomm Toq Smartwatch that comes with Qualcomm’s proprietary Mirasol display technology. The Toq Smartwatch comes with innovative features and with Digital 6th sense. The estimated price is around $349 (not yet confirmed).

Qualcomm Toq the wearable technology makes use of the digital 6th sense that lets you know, what you need to know at the glance on the screen or via audio. The revolutionary reflective Mirasol display is amazing and consumes hardly any power, in fact the device screen is ‘always on’ enabled. The capacitive screen (color) display is always on, and gets going for days before a recharge.

The Toq supports automatic updates, wireless charging, Bluetooth stereo experience and gives a longer battery life while being seamlessly connected with your smartphone. The drop and go wireless recharging (Qualcomm Wi-Power) is another unique feature.

The power consumption is so low that the on/off buttons – they simply do not exist. The Qualcomm Toq smartphone can manage your calls, reminders, notifications and text messages without having to access the handset.

Qualcomm Toq smartwatch

Stereo headphones with Qualcomm Toq smartwatch

The stylish and lightweight Toq Smartwatch works with Android 4.0 and above. This watch will also be available in premium audio edition where in you get wireless stereo headphones with dedicated woofer and tweeter. For more info visit the toq.qualcomm.com.

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Thank you for the tip Amartya Baidya.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in