On Flipkart you will find the perfect exchange program for iPhone. You can now upgrade to iPhone 7, however you need an old iPhone that you can exchange – so basically the Flipkart iPhone Upgrade Program is for iPhone users.

For example if you have the iPhone 6 smartphone you can exchange it with iPhone 7 32GB variant. The upgrade price will be Rs. 38,800. This is how the calculation goes – iPhone 7 32GB price is Rs. 60,000, you get 5% off i.e. Rs. 3000 off, and extra 15% off i.e. Rs. 9,000 and exchange value of iPhone 6 = Rs. 9,200  so in all you end up paying Rs. 38,800 getting a new iPhone 7 after exchanging your old iPhone 6.

iPhone 4s, 5s users can also exchange. If fact upgrade offer is also applicable on older iPhones like iPhone 4, 5, 5c, 6Plus, 6s Plus and SE – the price will change and you will get a lower exchange price for these older models. Here is the best upgrade price available on Flipkart.

Perfect iPhone 7 Upgrade program on Flipkart


iPhone 7 32 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 46,800, iPhone 5s = Rs. 43,500, iPhone 6 = Rs. 38,800)
iPhone 7 128 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 54,800, iPhone 5s = Rs. 51,500, iPhone 6 = Rs. 46,800)
iPhone 7 256 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 62,800, iPhone 5s = Rs. 59,500, iPhone 6 = Rs. 54,800)

See also  Apple iPhone 6 & 6 Plus up for pre-order for Rs. 53500 & Rs. 62500

iPhone 7 Plus 32 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 56,400, iPhone 5s = Rs. 53,100, iPhone 6 = Rs. 48,400)
iPhone 7 Plus 128 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 64,400, iPhone 5s = Rs. 61,100, iPhone 6 = Rs. 56,400)
iPhone 7 Plus 256 GB (exchange with iPhone 4s = Rs. 72,400, iPhone 5s = Rs. 69,100, iPhone 6 = Rs. 64,400)

In case if you are interested visit Flipkart to upgrade your iPhone.