Oppo Mobile India recently tweeted that the Oppo R5 can be pre-ordered for Rs. 29,990. If you are interested in buying this ultra slim handset then you will need to visit the Oppo stores and pre-book it. Those who pre-book will also get a back pack for free.

The Oppo R5 with a 4.8mm thickness was launched in October 2014. The handset is powered by qualcomm snapdragon MSM8939 (615) octa core processor (64 Bit) coupled with Adreno 405 and is running ColourOS 2.0.1 over a 5.2 inch screen with full HD resolution. It is using an AMOLED screen.

There is 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage. The handset weighs about 155 grams and is 4.85mm thick.

R5 comes with a good 13MP camera placed on the rear. This camera is using the Sony IMX214 sensor. The front camera is of 5MP resolution. Key features are 4G LTE, 3G, 2G, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth.

Ultra slim Oppo R5 up for pre-orders

Oppo R5 houses a 2000 mAh built in battery with fast charging capabilities. As per the company the handset can be charged from 0% to 75% in just about 30 minutes.

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Oppo R5 will be in India soon, you can however pre-book it from local stores for Rs. 29,990.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in