Oppo today officially announced its entry into the Indian Markets. The Oppo N1 will now be available for Rs. 39,999. This handset comes with a 5.9 inch FHD screen with Gorilla Glass 2 protection and the key highlight is the Swivel camera that can be used as front as well as a rear camera.

The Oppo N1 is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 processor clocked at 1.7GHz with Adreno 320 GPU running Android 4.2 with 2GB RAM and 16/32GB storage option. The Swivel camera if of 13MP resolution and comes with dual mode LED flash. Handset weight is 213 grams, is 9mm thick. OTG is supported. There are distance, light, G-sensor and 4D gyroscope sensors.

This handset houses a 3610mAh battery. Key features are NFC, DLNA, Wi-Fi, 3G and Bluetooth 4.0. The Oppo N1 will be available in India within few days for a price tag of Rs. 39,999. The Gionee Elife E7 with Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 quad core processor is priced at under Rs. 30,000 and the Elife E7 mini with octa core and rotating camera similar to N1 is priced under Rs. 19,000.

See also  Oppo F3 Rose Gold now available in India

Oppo N1 launched in India

Oppo N1 will definitely get a tough competition from the Gionee brand. Let’s wait and watch. Oppo will also launch other handsets ranging from Rs. 10K to 40K.

Tip: Gaurav Singh.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor - gogi.in