The OPPO A37 handset was launched in Singapore recently and now it will hit the Indian markets. A37 is snapdragon 410 quad core processor and the screen comes with 2.5D curved glass. This handset supports 4G LTE with VoLTE and price in India is Rs. 12,990.

Oppo A37 features and specifications

Display and Processor

A37 sports a 5 inch IPS screen supporting 1280 x 720 pixels resolution using 2.5D curved glass and protected with gorilla glass 4. Inside the hood it houses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 MSM8916 quad core processor clocked at 1.2GHz coupled with Adreno 306 GPU.

Memory, storage and OS

Dual SIM OPPO A37 is loaded with 2GB RAM and 16GB ROM. There is a separate micro SD card slot that supports up to 128GB external cards. Color OS 3.0 over Android 5.1 runs out of the box.

OPPO A37 price in India Rs. 12,990


Primary camera is of 8MP resolution, auto focus, 5P lens, f/2.2 and with LED flash support. Front camera is fixed focus, 4P lens and with an f/2.2 aperture. The camera can shoot FHD videos.

Key features

4G LTE with VoLTE,  3G, 2G, OTG supported, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS.

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OPPO A37 Price in India

A37 price in India is Rs. 12,990 it will be available soon.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -