OnePlus has launched their exclusive self managed e-commerce website in India. If you were planning to buy OnePlus handset you can visit their official exclusive online brand store –, there you will find all the products listed and links to official stores where it is available.

The website will make it easier for customer to buy genuine products from OnePlus. The official online store will also improve availability, make it easier for fans (product, accessories, support) and will also be offering exclusive merchandise for limited period.

Existing users can available special offers by registering their IMEI details on the website. OnePlus has already opened several service centers in India and is also quite active on social networks to help their fans and customers.

OnePlus launched in India

Their website as of now has two models listed the older OnePlus 2 and the latest OnePlus 3. On the store you will also find lot of accessories like flip cover, cases, charger etc for the OnePlus model, once you click on the buy link you will be taken to the exclusive store where the product is available (in most cases amazon).

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OnePlus users do check the exclusive