If you may recall OnePlus had launched the special edition Lava Red in India for Rs. 37,999. This OnePlus 5T Lava Red handset variant got sold out and now it is back in stock, again limited units and this could be a great option for your Valentine.

You can check the unboxing of the OnePlus 5T Lava Red version here. The price of this handset is the same at Rs. 37,999 but if you are planning to buy this between 7th to 11th February then do check the offers and discounts.

Lava Red OnePlus 5T is Amazon Exclusive, you can also get it from OnePlus experience zones and Croma stores in India. There are some offers like Rs. 1,500 instant discount by SBI for SBI credit card users only.

OnePlus 5T Lava Red hands on

Apart from this users can also buy the handset with most credit cards with 3 months no cost EMI. If you live in Bangalore you can get Rs. 1,500 cash back if you buy from OnePlus Experience stores in Bangalore, other users can purchase from Oneplusstore.in and get Rs. 1,500 cashback.

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OnePlus 5T Lava Red is a perfect option to buy for your valentine, this valentine’s day. This handset comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage space. Check out offers on Amazon.in.

Vikas Agarwal, General Manager at OnePlus India said, “We are grateful to OnePlus community for making OnePlus 5T the highest rated smartphone on Amazon.in and the best-selling premium smartphone in India. To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year, we are glad to bring back the special edition of the hugely popular Lava Red variant along with some exciting offers including a special referral program on Amazon.in to further reward the loyal OnePlus community.”