As anticipated Nubia launched the N2 handset in India. The Nubia N2 comes with 4GB RAM and packs a 5000 mAh massive battery with fast charging support. This handset is powered by MediaTek octa core processor and price in India is Rs. 15,999.

The key attraction on the Nubia N2 is the AMOLED screen that it is using along with a good 4GB of RAM, 64GB ROM (internal storage), a 16MP front camera and a massive 5000 mAh non-removable battery that as per the company will give up to 3.2 days of battery life.

Another thing to notice on the Nubia N2 is the thickness, since it houses a 5000 mAh battery one would expect it not to be that slim, but surprisingly the handset is just 8mm thick and the weight is also pretty decent at 185 grams.

Nubia N2 launched in India, features, specifications and price

N2 comes with dual SIM slots – hybrid slot wherein you will be able to use 2x nano SIMs or a nano SIM + micro SD card. 4G with VoLTE is Supported. Rear camera is 13MP and front camera is 16MP, looks good and should give decent performance. N2 will be a Amazon exclusive available for Rs. 15,999 in Black-Gold and Gold Color options.

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Nubia N2 Specifications

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