Nokia launched their 4K TV in India, already listed on Flipkart. The Nokia 55 inch Ultra HD 4K LED Smart TV, running Android Pie and unique thing about this TV is it comes with Sound by JBL. Price is really tempting at Rs. 41,999.

Buy Nokia TV here –

Nokia Smart TV 55 inch 4K unboxing

Inside the box you will get TV, Wall mount kit, unique stand, user manual warranty card, Remote, 2x AAA batteries and power cord.

Nokia Smart TV Quality

Nokia as we all know is known for its smartphones and another thing associated with it is durability, the same you will see on this TV. Build and finishing is just awesome, looks really tough and comes with metal frame and thin bezels.


Nokia Smart TV 4K Specs

It is quad core powered coupled with Mali 450 GPU, 2.25GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage. It does supports Netflix, Amazon prime and host of other content providers including YouTube, plus you get access to Google PlayStore. Also supports Chromecast.

Screen is 55 inches with 4K resolution. Nokia Smart TV 4K supports Wide Colour Gamut that delivers true to life colour output, more shades, more colours for a truly cinematic experience.

See also  Nokia Asha 502 now available for Rs. 5739

Sound is really important and this TV comes with 24W speaker, well sound by JBL, specially fine tuned. The audio experience is great, deep bass, clear vocals and minimal harmonic distortion. Add to it Dolby Audio support and DTS Trusurround for richer and more powerful audio experience.

Other features are Intelligent Dimming that automatically adjust every frame in real time for optimal brightness and lifelike contrast.


Nokia Smart TV is pretty impressive in terms of performance, be it visual experience, Audio experience (thanks to JBL sound), and it has got that premium and eye-catchy looks. All this for a perfect price of Rs. 41,999.


By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -