The Nokia Lumia 630 with corning gorilla glass 3 screen and powered by Snapdragon 400 quad core processor has been launched in India. The Lumia 630 will be available in single SIM and dual SIM versions. The single SIM 630 is priced at Rs. 10,499 and the dual SIM version for Rs. 11,499.

Lumia 630 is a windows powered handset running on windows phone 8.1 with FOTA (Firmware Over the Air) support. Handset has got curved edges and weight with battery is 135 grams. 630 is 9.2mm thick.

The IPS LCD clear black screen of 4.5 inches comes protected with corning gorilla glass 3 with wide viewing angles and supporting resolution of 854 x 480 pixels. It is powered by 1.2GHz qualcomm snapdragon 400 quad core processor (cortex A7) with Adreno 305 GPU.

There is 512MB RAM, 8GB storage and 128 GB external card support. The 512MB RAM is more than sufficient for the WP8.1 OS. There are accelerometer and proximity sensors. There is a rear AF camera of 5MP resolution that can shoot 720p videos at 30fps. Unfortunately the front camera is missing.

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Dual SIM and Single SIM windows powered Nokia Lumia 630 launched in India for under 12K.

Key features are 3G (21Mbps), Wi-Fi, GPS, DLNA, Bluetooth 4.0, FM radio, Asphalt 8 (game pre-installed, you may need to download the data files) and 7GB SkyDrive free storage. The 1830 mAh battery (BL-5H) gives talk-time of up to 13 hours on 3G and even more up to 16 hours on 2G networks.

Nokia Lumia 630 will hit the stores soon – single SIM for Rs. 10,499 and dual SIM for 11,499. Nokia Lumia 525 is currently priced at Rs. 9,018.

By Rajeev Rana

Founder and Chief Editor -